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Spennymoor Youth and Community Association

Spennymoor Youth and Community Centre has been a part of Spennymoor life since 1969. Over the years the centre has gone by the name of Spennymoor Open Youth Club, Spennymoor Youth Club and Spennymoor Youth and Community Association.

In 2016 as part of Durham County Councils Asset Transfer Scheme the Trustees established a new Charity Incorporated Organisation but still using the name Spennymoor Youth and Community Association. Doing this allowed us to take over the building on a 30 year lease from Durham County Council.

Since 2016 the centre has gone through a number of changes both externally and internally. We have had new double-glazed windows installed and firs safe cladding added to the building to improve the appearance. The outside of the building has also been painted in anti carbonisation paint to protect the concrete slabs the building is made from.

We have been successful with a number of Funding Applications to allow us to provide Junior, Inters and Senior Youth Club Activities and also the Duke of Edinburgh Award.

We were successful in 2019 to receive National Lottery Community Funding in partnership with Tudhoe Community Centre. This project ran from June 2019 - September 2022. Continuation funding was received in October 2022 to continue the project for a further 3 years.


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